The cast of School of Rock have reunited as two co-stars tied the knot. Angelo Massagli and Caitlin Hale played the role of kids Frankie and Marta in the iconic Jack Black -led 2003 movie, though ...
The other stars present included Brian Falduto (Billy), Joey Gaydos Jr. (Zack), Robert Tsai (Lawrence), Maryam Hassan (Tomika), Aleisha Allen (Alicia), Cole Hawkins (Leonard), Z Infante (Gordon) and ...
As we enter a cold snap this weekend, enjoy a cosy night in at home thanks to the Mail's TV experts, who have sifted through hundreds of films to bring you the 25 best titles to stream on demand now.
But sometimes you don’t want that! Sometimes you just want to escape the increasingly insane world out there into an action movie. Netflix has made a few of their own, but the bulk of the best ...
The list below is an effort to recommend a diverse range of movies — old and new, foreign and domestic, all-ages and adults-only — that cross genres and cultures while appealing to casual and ...