Defect Productions, a Laredo-based studio, is bringing rock music to the Dugout next weekend. The event, dubbed the 2025 Defect Takeover, will feature guest band The Heretixx from Edinburg, Texas, ...
WA-based Prospero Productions (Junior Doctors Down Under, Outback Opal Hunters, Outback Truckers, Outback Crystal Hunters, Opal Hunters: Red Dirt Road Trip) has been commissioned to produce two new ...
The rock nicknamed Big bertha (Image credit: NASA) In 2019, scientists discovered that one of Earth's oldest rocks has spent billions of years away from our planet and only recently returned home.
This crunch-rocker from Happiness Bastards finds the Robinsons saluting the Youngs as only superfans can. “If the record is a love letter to rock‘n’roll,” says Rich Robinson, “then Rats And Clowns is ...
What we said: "Another opportunity to buy into one of the greatest rock back catalogues of all time… It’s just that compared to the efforts some other bands go to in celebrating significant ...