Due to the physical contact nature of their occupation, the elite athletes of the National Football League (NFL) often experience pain.
UB research shows payments from opioid manufacturers to physicians decrease where doctors can prescribe pot for chronic pain ...
A study concluded that the use of over-the-counter pain relievers is more effective than opioids for pain management after ...
If you have recently visited your doctor for pain management and were surprised when they did not prescribe opioids, you are ...
Seniors are at higher risk for opioid problems for a simple reason – they are more likely to need outpatient surgeries.
Due to the physical contact nature of their occupation, the elite athletes of the National Football League (NFL) often ...
In Idaho, more than one out of every six people is older than 65. These seniors hold invaluable wisdom and form the backbone ...
A University of Rochester study revealed that over-the-counter drugs, like acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are more effective ...
Unafra, with the active ingredient opiranserin hydrochloride, is an injectable medication developed for managing ...
A new landmark study involving the University of Rochester could change how dentists treat pain after wisdom tooth ...
Postoperative opioid use significantly decreased with the use of a standardized pain protocol among patients who underwent minimally invasive surgery.
Aims: The use of medication in pain management currently involves empirical ... that make them poor or intermediate metabolizers of opioid medications would have higher steady-state concentrations ...