Many women come into my clinic with symptoms of thrush and urinary tract infections. Naturally, they want an effective thrush treatment (or UTI treatment) which works fast. So I decided to write about ...
In a recent study published in the JAMA, a group of researchers evaluated whether a treatment strategy ... For the primary outcome, 23.9% of infants in the oral agents group were LGA, compared ...
Adverse events were similar in the two groups. Oral ivermectin appears to be highly effective for the treatment of head louse infestations and offers a good therapeutic alternative. Because its ...
Where facilities were in the red, it was because they had to provide free medical treatment on humanitarian grounds. Dr Opas said babies born prematurely in Thailand are entitled to receive life ...
This article takes a closer look at the early signs and symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, testing options, and treatments ... have a higher risk of oral thrush infections.
The baby's mouth had no signs of thrush. Jane's midwife diagnosed ... Her baby was referred to her pediatrician for treatment, and the baby received oral nystatin (Mycostatin).
A heavy white plaque however could indicate candidasis or oral thrush - a fungus infection of warm, moist areas of the body. This could be caused by an over-use of chemical mouthwash or taking too ...
Baby bumps and celebrity pregnancies are topping the headlines, and for good reason too! Here you’ll find all of the latest celebrity baby stories and the most adorable photos to brighten your day.