Naveen, who was associated with Padaki productions in Dishkyaav continues to play as a lead in the movie and is paired with Apeksha Ghaligi of Panduranga vittala (Jaaji) fame. Girija Lokesh and ...
Serial killer movies are interesting, to say the least. Interesting, not just from a storytelling point of view but also because of the fact that they are so popular despite their central subjects ...
A young F.B.I. cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer, a madman who skins his victims. A mentally unstable veteran works as ...
Vittal Pindi is also known as Sri Krishna Leelotsav as the procession is dedicated to the leelas of Sri Krishna especially those of his childhood. ‘Vittal’ is derived from the word ‘Vittala’ which is ...