很多人早上睁开眼做的第一件事,不是感受清晨的第一缕阳光,而是解锁手机。瞄一眼微信,看看有没有人找;刷一刷社交媒体,吃吃夜里长出的「新瓜」;打开短视频,划着划着......啊!!!上班来不及了!!!图片来源:网络你也许已经听很多人说过「睡前不要玩手机」 ...
Travelling to exotic locations is an excellent way to broaden ones horizons, but jet lag may be an unpleasant side effect.
MEYER and Anderson 1 recently found that moderately high temperatures inhibit symbiotic nitrogen fixation in subterranean clover grown in nutrient agar and they imply that their results may be ...
Entomology is a branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects. The discipline can include the biology and control of insects, as well as their ecology and impact on animal, plant and human ...