only 15 cases of such tumors have been reported in the English literature, variously described as cystadenoma, cystomyoma, low-grade phyllodes tumor, benign mesenchymoma, adenomyosis, and ...
Accounting for less than 1% of breast tumors, phyllodes tumors can be difficult to diagnose due to their similarity under the ...
While the majority of phyllodes tumors are non-cancerous, the Cleveland Clinic notes that about 25% are cancerous. Cancerous phyllodes tumors account for a mere 0.05% of all breast malignancies.
Malignant phyllodes tumor: formerly called cystosarcoma phyllodes; characterized by a proliferation of glands and malignant stroma with more than 10 mitoses per high-power field, which may ...
Photo courtesy of Laura Rosenberger. Dr. Laura H. Rosenberger is a national expert in the surgical care and research of phyllodes tumors, a rare tumor that accounts for 1 percent of breast cancer ...