While many plants grow well with companions, others can harm or inhibit neighboring species, and should be given their own ...
For now, the future of life on Earth is in human hands. But after the anthropocentric era, the situation starts to get dicey.
Windows that face south are the best places to grow houseplants, especially the ones that like to have sun shining directly ...
Experts agree that you should never water plants at these times of day or year. Plants need water to live, and knowing when ...
Monty Don has shared his January gardening advice to help gardeners know which trees, shrubs, and plants need to be pruned to ...
The researchers suspect that long-term declines in plant quality may be a largely unnoticed factor in falling animal ...
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail ...
Smithsonian paleoanthropologists explore how the year brought us closer to understanding ancient human relatives and origins ...
Understanding how to change the care you provide your plants with as the seasons change can also be rather tricky. Luckily, ...
While usually considered a safe and free way to compost and fertilize your garden, health threats from H5N1 and ...
Discover the companion plants that Martha Stewart loves to pair with hydrangeas. Enhance your garden’s aesthetic with these ...
As the days grow shorter and temperatures begin to dip, it’s time for gardeners in Marin County to prepare for winter.