From Wikipedia: Sua Santità papa Leone XIII (Italian for "His Holiness Pope Leo XIII") is an 1898 short film directed by William Kennedy Dickson for the Biograph Company and is one of the first ...
The year may yet usher into the world earth-shaking news of Pope Francis, the 266th Supreme Pontiff resigning the seat of Peter, following the footsteps of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, due to ...
Despite the formal language of pontifical docunicnts, which reads so stiffly in translation, it is difficult to find a parallel in the writings of Catholic or non-Catholic reunionists to the warmth of ...
The great encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, which may well be called the workman’s charter of liberties, is a doctrinal expression of the principles which Harmel strove during his long life of eighty-six ...
In the 1880s, Pope Leo XIII had condemned the Plan of Campaign supported by Irish nationalists in return for British support against the Italian government’s plan to confiscate papal property.
Pope Francis is older than almost any pope before him. According to Vatican records, only Pope Leo XIII, who died in 1903 at the age of 93, lived longer.
Foreign Correspondence THE NEW YORK TIMES. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers ...
Not only did Pope Leo XIII collapse to the floor after celebrating Mass, but doctors couldn't find a pulse. A priest who witnessed this 1886 drama testified: "His expression was one of horror and ...