Located in eastern China's Zhejiang province, and with the vigorous Yangtze River Delta economic region as its hinterland, ...
The sun rises at Wusongkou International Cruise Liner Port in Baoshan District. Expats and locals in Shanghai can celebrate ...
SHANGHAI - Shanghai Port became the first in the world to see the annual container throughput exceed 50 million 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs) on Sunday. The port has ranked first globally for 14 con ...
芬兰当局本周早些时候因怀疑一艘载有俄罗斯石油的油轮,破坏了一条海底电力线和四条电信电缆而将其扣留,并于星期六(12月28日)指挥被扣押的油轮航向吉尔皮拉赫蒂港(Port of Kilpilahti)。
12月27日,亿航智能宣布与中国交通信息科技集团有限公司(下称“中交信科”)围绕低空经济和先进空中交通生态建设达成战略合作。中交信科计划推出一套“土地+空间+内容”三位一体的一站式低空超级IP项目解决方案,计划利用中心公园、立体停车场顶层等地方建设拼装式、模块化的低空飞行航站楼。亿航智能将与中交信科一起规划 ...
12月24日消息,在不断发展的显卡市场上,AMD的最新作品Radeon RX 9070 XT显卡引发了广泛关注。根据知名科技博主@All_The_Watts于12月23日在X平台发布的推文,RX 9070 XT显卡在3DMark Port ...
The upcoming New Year holiday will usher in a peak of inbound and outbound passenger flow in border ports across China, with ...
KHARTOUM, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese government on Tuesday sent a humanitarian aid convoy for thousands of returnees in ...
IT之家 12 月 24 日消息,消息源 @All_The_Watts 昨日(12 月 23 日)在 X 平台发布系列推文,分享了 AMD RX 9070 XT 显卡的 3DMark Port Royal 和 Time Spy 跑分成绩,跑分数据显示 ...
上周三(18日)EASL东超主场击退生力啤酒人取得联赛首胜的香港东方,随即转战菲律宾PBA专员杯,以113:120不敌北港巴塘码头 (North Port Batang Pier)后,昨晚(22日)再度对阵生力啤酒人 (San Miguel ...
At Yantai Port in east China's Shandong Province, rows of engineering machinery and equipment await shipment for export to countries and regions in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. From January to Oc ...