Deepika Padukone attended Diljit Dosanjh's Bengaluru concert. This was her first public appearance since her daughter's birth. She enjoyed the music and danced with friends. Fans were excited to see ...
An adorable rare baby puffin can now be seen frolicking at the Central Park Zoo — delighting animal lovers who gushed Friday over its heart-melting “chick floof.” The nearly 4-month-old male ...
It’s been 15 years since Megan Fox had the presumably bizarre experience of achieving a career apex and nadir all at once. In 2009, she co-starred in the second-highest-grossing U.S. release of ...
Meta, the tech giant previously known for its social media dominance, is now turning its attention to shaping the future of mixed reality. The company’s latest project, codenamed Puffin, is set to ...
Be it a wedding, birthday, or just a Detty December groove, these tracks… When it comes to parties, Nigerians don’t play! A proper owambe or nightclub isn’t complete without vibes so hot ...
On a recent warm Bangkok evening, Shintaro Sakamoto stepped onto the stage at Maho Rasop Music Festival for his first-ever performance in Thailand. For fans of the Japanese singer/songwriter, it ...
We went from happiness to surprise and disappointment in less than 12 months. While the European Commission opened an arbitration tribunal, Atlantic Puffins and other seabirds are starving as their ...
PORTLAND, Ore. — The Oregon Coast Aquarium is just over the halfway point to reaching its goal of producing its new puffin license plates. More than 1,600 vouchers have been sold so far ...
First, the team grew cells on engineered nanopillar substrates and then they observed changes in cell metabolism using a cutting-edge imaging approach that allows for high-resolution, non-invasive ...
Shocking! Lawyer rams Mercedes car into Kachori shop in Delhi, Six injured In a shocking incident, six people were injured after a lawyer rammed his speeding Mercedes car into a Kachori shop in ...
Think of Rathlin Island and you most likely think of puffins. But with numbers declining by 40% since 1999, the race is on to protect the colourful ground-nester from predators before the balance ...