Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, accompanied by Minister of State for Industry K.K. Bishnoi, Chief Secretary Sudhansh Pant, ...
Jaipur: The Supreme Court provided relief to Rajasthan on Friday by staying the National Green Tribunal's (NGT) directive that imposed an environmenta.
On January 26, 2025, a Sunday, Rajasthan will observe a bank holiday in honour of Republic Day. This day marks the adoption of India's Constitution in 1950, symbolising the nation's democratic spirit.
Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan announced he has quit smoking after years of heavy consumption. At the trailer launch of his son Junaid Khan's film 'Loveyapa' in Mumbai on Friday, Aamir opened up about ...
Why the selection process for next Chief Election Commissioner is relevant to the UPSC exam? What is the significance of ...