Schoolhouse Rock Live! is a musical adaptation of Schoolhouse Rock!, originally directed by Scott Ferguson. The musical premiered at the Cabaret Voltaire in Chicago on August 26, 1993, before touring ...
Build essential skills with the musical fun of Schoolhouse Rock!. Lucky Seven Sampson wants to make you a Super Star! Join Lucky to explore 12 activity combinations that teach important areas of ...
Thomas Gaither, one of the Black young men in the “Friendship Nine” who went to jail in Rock Hill in 1961 in protest of racial segregation, died Monday in Pennsylvania, his son Kenn Gaither said.
Carlotta Walls LaNier, one the nine Black students who desegregated Little Rock Central High School in 1957, launched a bottle of sparkling wine into the hull of the Virginia-class submarine at ...
In 2018, then-Navy Secretary Ray Mabus named the six women of the Little Rock Nine as sponsors of the ship. Besides LaNier, Elizabeth Eckford and Gloria Ray Karlmark also attended the ceremony.
Carlotta Walls LaNier, one the nine Black students who desegregated Little Rock Central High School in 1957, launched a bottle of sparkling wine into the hull of the Virginia-class submarine at ...