We know fiber is essential to a healthy and nutritious diet, yet only 7% of Americans eat the recommended daily amount.
The researchers suggest that eating more fibre in our diet will support the growth of good bacteria -- and crowd out the bad ...
When gut bacteria breaks down plant fiber, they produce two compounds that act on genes to help prevent the growth of cancers ...
A new study revealed that the composition of the gut microbiome can help in predicting the likely chances of life-threatening ...
One type of co-excluder bacteria, called Faecalibacterium, stood out as particularly important. It produces chemicals called ...
In recent years, the gut microbiome has emerged as an essential player in our overall health, influencing everything from ...
The gut is immensely impactful on human health. How significantly do three different diets - vegan, vegetarian and omnivore - ...
·这些结果不仅发现了短链脂肪酸与结直肠癌在表观遗传层面的联系,也表明增加膳食纤维的摄入、促进肠道微生物产生更多的丙酸和丁酸是有利健康的饮食策略。全谷物、豆类、蔬菜和水果都是很好的膳食纤维来源。谷物、蔬菜等食物中含有的纤维素是健康饮食的重要部分,可以预 ...
Keep reading as we explain how fibre-rich foods boost gut health and a list of these foods you can add to your daily diet.
In a new study, published in Nature Microbiology, my colleagues and I explored how certain gut bacteria can protect us from harmful ones – a group known as Enterobacteriaceae. T ...
The group of bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, E.coli and others, is present at low levels as part of a healthy human gut microbiome.