Casting and seeking crew for "Beneath the Surface," a tense psychological horror. Synopsis: centered on a young couple who become the target of an unsettling supernatural force in their home.
Bucky, a 16-year-old aspiring director, dreams of becoming the next arthouse auteur sensation. After a strange meteor crash lands in his backyard and turns his deadbeat father into a brain-eating ...
Cillian Murphy says new Peaky Blinders film is for the fans! Cillian Murphy says new Peaky Blinders film is for the fans!
Did you know that Siddharth Jadhav’s first big paycheck was Rs 1 lakh for the film Uladhaal? Before, his fees ranged between ...
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1964 James Bond spy movie Goldfinger, Rolls-Royce has created a one-off £4.5m ...