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Record breaking snowfall, a once in a hundred year auroral display, a tornado at ten thousand feet…as usual, Mother Nature threw a lot at us here in Colorado in 2024.
One person was killed in a two-vehicle crash as snow swept through Cayuga County on Thursday. The Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office said in a Friday news release that at about 7:13 p.m. Thursday ...
It only took an hour of playing Path of Exile 2’s early access version to know I’d soon be firing up an Excel spreadsheet and saying goodbye to all my loved ones for the foreseeable future.
Terracotta roofs peeking through a thick layer of snow, a frozen river carving its path through the city, smoke rising slowly from medieval chimneys — winter in the Latvian capital can be a ...
Driving in the snow can be dangerous. Whether snow-covered roads are part of your everyday commute to work or your reward after a long trip into the mountains, preparation can save your life.