"Secret Level" is an animated anthology series inspired by video games. The series features a star-studded voice cast, including Keanu Reeves, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Kevin Hart. The anthology ...
Prime Video's Secret Level is a hit with the largest debut for an animated series on the platform. A second season of the show featuring new video games is in production. The latest video game ...
With a dubious selection of source material and indistinct styles of animation, Secret Level struggles to find satisfying stories for a short-form anthology.
With its latest adult-animated series, “Secret Level,” created by “Deadpool” director Tim Miller, Prime Video offers gamers and novices a new way to experience some notable gaming properties.
“Secret Level” is stuffed of references and characters from popular video games — but some new additions might be harder to place. The animated anthology series from Amazon’s Prime Video ...
Secret Level premieres on Prime Video with eight episodes on December 10, followed by additional episodes debuting on December 17. A good half of the shorts in the latest project from Love ...
Spoilers for Secret Level‘s Pac-Man episode follow. Pac-Man: Circle is the one episode of Secret Level that’s truly unforgettable. Pac-Man: Circle is a bloody, violent, and subversive ...
According to Variety, Prime Video has renewed Secret Level for season two after its debut episode posted the biggest viewership ever for an animated series on Prime Video. Viewers watched 155.3 ...