The Blue Blur, Sonic the Hedgehog, is a protagonist who rarely fails in his mission of saving the world from the next batch of villains that he is tasked with defeating. However, there have still ...
After all, excess is one of the biggest problems in our world ... lost” family member. While it’s fair that people want more characters in each production, it’s important to note that Sonic ...
Sonic the Hedgehog has become more than just a beloved video game character; he’s now a movie icon. The first two Sonic movies won audiences over with their humor, action, and heart.
The real Sonic banters a little with his mechanical counterpart, as more Metal Sonics emerge from the shadows and surround him. All hope seems lost for ... trend of Sonic characters being teased ...
Every year we play a ton of great games that we celebrate in December, and those games can be great for all sorts of reasons: amazing level design, incredible atmosphere, outstanding combat or ...
The combination of classic Sonic levels with a new open-world map makes for a truly unique gameplay experience. Plus, Sega has released a few massive free updates since the game’s initial launch, ...