Sonic the Hedgehog 3 delivers a thrilling mix of action, humor, and nostalgia. Directed by Jeff Fowler, the film stars Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik and features Keanu Reeves as the mysterious Shadow.
Not only can you play as six different established characters, but there are new friends (or foes) to meet as well! With a heavier emphasis on exploration ... Overall, there are 15 racers to choose ...
With their abilities outmatched in every way, Team Sonic must seek out an unlikely alliance in hopes of stopping Shadow and protecting the planet. Mufasa, a cub lost and alone, meets a sympathetic ...
Director Jeff Fowler had no second thoughts before casting Keanu Reeves for the role of Shadow in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Keanu’s performance in John Wick impressed Jeff, which is how the director ...