The human ear detects sound. Sound waves enter the ear canal and cause the eardrum to vibrate. Three small bones transmit these vibrations to the cochlea. This produces electrical signals which ...
Scientists have found a clever new way of measuring ocean warming, using sound waves from undersea earthquakes. The researchers say the "hack" works because sound travels faster in warmer water.
The device makes sound waves scatter around an object making it invisible to sonar detection. In order to achieve this, the researchers used a "smart" material with special properties. The ...
This removes the carrier wave from the signal. What remains is the audio signal. Speaker The audio signal causes the radio speaker's diaphragm to vibrate, which creates sound waves. A sound wave ...
NASA has turned pressure waves emanating from a black hole at the centre of the Perseus galaxy cluster into notes audible to humans. The sound waves were extracted along the radius of the galaxy ...