This repository contains a reading list of papers on Time Series Forecasting/Prediction (TSF) and Spatio-Temporal Forecasting/Prediction (STF). These papers are ...
For much of its course through the structures of your head and face, it runs along the superficial temporal artery and vein.­­­ Your nerves are complex structures. They branch out from their starting ...
How do you say the types of resective surgery? ‘Temporal’ sounds like this: tem-per-uhl ‘Extratemporal’ sounds like this: ex-tra-tem-per-uhl ‘Lesionectomy’ sounds like this: lee-shun-ek-tom-ee ...
Dr Weiner ended by emphasizing that MRI often misses lesions, that lesionectomy is rarely sufficient alone, and that invasive monitoring is critical to the success of surgical treatment for ...
A "meanwhile space" refers to the temporary use of an otherwise vacant area—whether it's an empty shop, a disused building, or a site awaiting redevelopment. The concept revolves around making ...