Try not to be embarrassed. Doctors are used to discussing intimate problems and will try to put you at ease. A lump or swelling in the testicle A lump or swelling in part of one testicle is the most ...
“I used to check my testicles every time I showered. When I was 38, I found this small, hard pea-sized lump,” he recalls. “I squeezed it and there was this shooting pain which went right ...
Any swelling in the scrotal sac can make it ache, and it could well be that the cyst (which would otherwise be harmless) and the swollen veins are to blame. However, if the tests were done four ...
When Rebecca Gardiner found a lump on her fiancée's testicle she didn't realise just what a life saving act she had performed. It was a defining moment for the Bognor Regis couple because if ...
Testicular Torsion is when tissues around the testicle (also known as the "testis") are not attached well. This can cause the testes to twist around the spermatic cord. When this happens, it cuts off ...
Check each testicle one at a time. Check it by rolling the testicle between the thumb and fingers of both hands to feel the whole surface. You should be gentle, but also firm. This will help you find ...