Actor Kangana Ranaut said in an interview that Sanjay Leela Bhansali first offered Padmaavat to her, but she declined the ...
Shortly after its premiere, “Breaking Home Ties” vanished into obscurity. Now, after an extensive restoration, it will hit ...
Back in 1975, the home of Newcastle United was still largely rooted in history. The roofless Gallowgate End harked back to ...
These movies are all good reminders, if you need one, that just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that the government ...
The 1970s were the best decade for movies — especially sleazy movies. We aren’t talking about movies with an X The post 11 ...
An old interview of Kangana Ranaut criticizing Deepika Padukone’s role in Padmaavat has resurfaced, prompting social media ...
Its absence says a lot about this curious film suspended between opposing impulses. Emergency isn’t what I was expecting. For ...
Fine acting performances, led by Kangana Ranaut, salvage this film, but only barely, as a week script lets it down.
Kangana Ranaut's film Emergency briefly touches on the 1975 Emergency while attempting to provide a crash course on Indira Gandhi's life, but struggles to delve deeply into key historical events and ...
The Dark Mirror runs the full gamut of themes currently in vogue at the box office – from psychiatry to romance back again to the double identity gimmick and murder mystery.
A review of Kangana Ranaut's 'Emergency', a biopic of Indira Gandhi. Powerful performances, but a weak screenplay lets it ...
‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?’ – so goes the fairytale, but Samsung is making it a reality, an LED “Beauty Mirror”. Want to know if you need a bit of moisturising? The ...