Researchers are divided on the Thwaites Glacier's stability, with new studies highlighting both its increased vulnerability ...
Scientists may just have identified Thwaites Glacier's Achilles heel. This Antarctic colossus is melting at a rapid rate, dumping billions of tonnes of ice in the ocean every year and pushing up ...
Now, new research shows that a critical segment of ice, the Thwaites Glacier, is melting faster than previously believed, ...
They say a floating section at the front of Thwaites Glacier that until now has been relatively stable could "shatter like a car windscreen". US and UK researchers are currently engaged in an ...
An ice shelf dubbed the 'Doomsday' glacier is melting amid fears the world map could change forever amid rising sea levels/ The Thwaites Glacier, part of the vast West Antarctic Ice Sheet ...
For years, glaciologist Sridhar Anandakrishnan has been studying the massive Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica, often referred to as the “Doomsday Glacier.” Its colossal size holds the potential ...
High variability reveals complexity under Thwaites Glacier The team’s work further shows that heat transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere hit a maximum around a month later than usual in ...
In November a 60-person UK-US team will mount the first large-scale ‘on ice’ field season of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration – a research effort to predict with more ...
Research Interests: Thwaites Glacier, surface mass balance, extreme snowfall events, Antarctic atmospheric rivers I research the impacts of snowfall and extreme precipitation events on the surface ...