Ask corn growers what their No. 1 weed problem is today, and it’s likely at least one of these three – Palmer amaranth (pigweed), waterhemp or common ragweed – will be listed in their response.
Due to its affordability and environmental friendliness, vinegar is a favorite among gardeners. Combine one cup of salt with ...
However, if you have a more invasive type like corn speedwell taking root alongside your grass, speedwell can be one of the sneaky weeds that wreaks havoc on your yard in the winter. It can crowd ...
A non-selective herbicide with a new active ingredient for preplant burndown of broadleaf and grass weeds in corn, cotton, soybeans and wheat, Reviton prepares fields for a clean start while ...
Weed management in Saskatchewan remains a priority for growers as herbicide resistance and new invasive weed species create ...