秉承“Design You Can Feel”品牌理念,华硕灵耀致力于为用户提供设计力量、科技温度、艺术魅力三者有机结合的功能体验与情感共鸣,重塑轻薄本美学范式。此次华硕灵耀奔赴江西景德镇,联合英特尔中国区技术部总经理高宇、景德镇陶瓷艺术家辛瑶遥、科技达人@demi开箱 共话科技美学的全新表达,揭秘灵耀新品的神秘面纱。
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Apple has released its latest "Shot on iPhone" film for the Chinese New Year, a romantic tale set in the 1990s, with Shanghai flavors and scenes including painting-like alleyways.