Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his podcast debut on Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath's YouTube channel, said that ancient Chinese philosopher Xuanzang used to live in his village ...
Department of Integrative Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, 12 Middle Urumqi Road, Shanghai 200040, P. R. China Institute of Theories and Application, The Academy of Integrative Medicine, ...
A crowd-pleasing easy chicken curry, packed with Chinese flavours. The sauce is really easy using two popular spice blends: curry powder and five-spice. Serve over rice. Each serving provides 487 ...
PM Modi said on the podcast that he lived in Gujarat's Vadnagar, which had been visited by Chinese philosopher Hiuen Tsang (Xuanzang). "I read somewhere that Chinese philosopher Hiuen Tsang had lived ...
PM Modi said on the podcast that he lived in Gujarat’s Vadnagar, which had been visited by Chinese philosopher Hiuen Tsang (Xuanzang). “I read somewhere that Chinese philosopher Hiuen Tsang ...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone sold an eye-watering 120million copies globally where it ranked as the fourth best-selling book in history. Not just a literary sensation, the first of the ...
He told me there is a connection between me and him," Modi recounted. The connection? The legendary Chinese philosopher Xuanzang, also known as Hiuen Tsang, who once stayed in Modi’s ancestral village ...
Watching a ‘ philosophical movie ‘ is an effective way to do this mental exercise.’ However, there is no telling how a movie can affect you philosophically since, more than a genre, philosophy is how ...