If you're trying to ditch YouTube TV after the price increase, there are a few affordable alternatives that you can get for a ...
If you'd like to stream YouTube on Discord, you only need two things: a stable internet connection and your own Discord ...
YouTube TV于周四正式宣布,2024年1月起,其基础套餐的月费将上涨至82.99元,较之前的72.99元上涨10元。这是YouTube TV自推出以来的第四次涨价,涨价原因主要归结于内容成本的持续攀升以及服务质量的提升。 自2017年服务首次上线以来,YouTube ...
IT之家 12 月 15 日消息,谷歌本周宣布 YouTube TV 服务将涨价。从 2025 年 1 月 13 日起,YouTube TV 的基础套餐月费将从每月 72.99 美元上涨至 82.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 604 元人民币),涨幅约为 13.6%。 YouTube TV 是 YouTube ...
12 月 15 日,据报道,谷歌宣布其提供的直播电视订阅服务 YouTube TV 将于 2023 年 4 月涨价。基础套餐的月费将从目前的 72.99 美元上升至 82.99 美元(约合人民币 531 元),涨幅约为 13.6%。
Some YouTube TV users, myself included, are using a hack to keep the streaming service at its current price for now. Here's ...
Are you a YouTube TV subscriber? Your monthly bills are about to get more expensive again. YouTube has announced that it’s ...
The video platform is increasing its rate for the first time since March 2023.