在齐鲁大地的苍穹上,繁星闪烁,孔子、孟子、孙武、诸葛亮……他们的思想和智慧,照亮了千年的时空。 In the vast sky over the land of Qilu, countless stars twinkle, Confucius, Mencius, Sun Wu, Zhuge Liang... Their thoughts and wisdom have illuminated ...
How to Make Yanbian Fried and Oil-pickled Pork, a Delicacy Enjoyed by Zhuge Liang? 古往今来,人们对食物的保存有着各自的理解,尤其是为了让肉食不变质,人们探索了很多方法。四川省攀枝花市盐边县地处南亚热带干热河谷气候区,昼夜温差大,肉食容易变质。盐边人在和时间 ...
Zhuge Liang, styled Kongming, is one of the most outstanding politicians, military strategists, and inventors in Chinese history. He was born in 181 AD in Langya Yangdu (now Linyi, Shandong ...
诸葛亮,字孔明,是中国历史上最杰出的政治家、军事家和发明家之一。他出生于公元181年的琅邪阳都(今山东临沂),其父去世后,诸葛亮移居隆中(今湖北襄阳),开始了隐居生活。 Zhuge Liang, styled Kongming, is one of the most outstanding politicians, military strategists, and inventors in Ch ...
Xiangyang is rich in cultural relics and gardens. For example, Mountain Longzhong in the west of the city is the place where old tales about the “Three Visits to the Hut” and “Long Zhong Strategies” ...