In a social media post on X, the Spokesperson of the Indian Navy, on behalf of CNS Tripathi and all personnel of Indian Navy, wrote, "On the 77th ArmyDay, Adm Dinesh K Tripathi CNS and All Personnel ...
#Veterans & Families of #IndianArmy and offer deepest gratitude and homage to the brave warriors who have laid their lives in the service of our nation.” “As the Army continues to meet its mandate ...
In 2009, the partnership ended, with Shapiro taking the name to a new partnership, while Greenberg kept the business, renaming it Brave Warrior Advisors. It considers itself a value investor.
#Veterans & Families of #IndianArmy and offer deepest gratitude and homage to the brave warriors who have laid their lives in the service of our nation." "As the Army continues to meet its mandate ...