Before you start throwing out ideas and building in points, rewards, etc., you need to spend a little time working through the right approach to gamifying your system(s), and that approach is ...
Welcome to The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care - GPCC! In person-centred care, patients are seen as persons who are more than their illness. Person-centred care is based on a ...
However, there is another consideration when it comes to problem-solving; solving business-oriented problems. Conversion Centred Design (CCD) exists to help designers create user experiences that ...
Objective Although conceptual definitions of person-centred care (PCC) vary, most models value the involvement of patients through patient-professional partnerships. While this may increase patients’ ...
The heart of the vision for the Church of England is to be a Church that is Jesus Christ centred and Jesus shaped. The picture below illustrates the shape of the vision and strategic priorities from ...