你是不是一直以为 “人民币” 的英文缩写就是 RMB?大错特错啦!出国消费或是关注国际财经时,要是还用错缩写,可容易闹笑话。其实,人民币在国际通用的英文缩写另有其 “码”,背后藏着专业规范,快跟着我一探究竟!
Dear Quentin, My dad’s grandfather left him a house when he was 2 years old.  My grandmother was also on the deed because he was a minor. Fast forward: My dad has been in prison more than he has been ...
Yet this week the 61-year-old died penniless and “living like a hermit” in chronic pain, in a rundown flat in Southend, Essex. In the current era of PornHub and OnlyFans, it’s hard to ...