During night-time, the pupil dilates and becomes quite large to allow as much light as possible. Sitting between the retina ...
In some regions the collagen appeared in bundles rather than in lamellar arrays, more resembling the tissue architecture in sclera than cornea. Electron microscopy of the central cornea revealed that ...
下面这幅画名为《错误的镜子》,是由比利时超现实主义画家马格里特(1898-1967)在1928年所创作,目前收藏于美国纽约现代艺术博物馆。图1:比利时画家马格里特的作品《错误的镜子》[1]从艺术视角,这幅画引发了人们对视觉感知本质的思考,每位观看者都 ...
在数字信息激增的今天,我们面临着一个令人深思的社会现象:人工智能(AI)如何以假乱真,给我们的视觉体验和信息安全带来了新的挑战。但科技的发展是否意味着真实的消逝?这篇文章探讨了在这一浪潮中如何分辨虚假与真实,核心包括比利时超现实主义画家马格里特的作品 ...
Voronkov has emerged as an impressive goal scorer for the Blue Jackets, but his lack of combativeness has coach Dean Evason ...
As bird flu makes headlines with its first severe U.S. case, experts share crucial information about symptoms, risks, and ...
There is a disease in which a white color develops between the black and white eyes of the pupil.This ophthalmic disease, ...
Suzy recently revealed an enhanced look, sparking conversations online about her “upgraded beauty.” Fans were quick to notice that a small black mole near her eyeball was no longer visible.
“Our findings highlighted the necessity for vigilant monitoring of staphyloma among highly myopic individuals,” according to ...
The uvea is the middle layer. It's between the white part of your eye — called the sclera — and the inner layers of your eye. Your uvea contains three important structures: The iris.
Posterior segment evaluation showed a chorioretinal coloboma inferior to the optic disc, presenting as a well-defined, bright and depressed hypopigmented area with pigmentation at the margins and ...
Customised software was used on horizontal AS-OCT scans to measure iris thickness at 750 um (IT750) and 2000 um (IT2000) from the sclera spur, maximal iris thickness (ITM) and cross-sectional area of ...