2025年是中国新一轮全面深化改革开放的“落实起步”之年,而位于中国最南端的海南省,是中国全面深化改革开放的试验区,正在紧锣密鼓推进自由贸易港封关运作,推进更高水平对外开放,世界目光正向这个中国面积最大的自由贸易港聚焦。在2025年海南省两会召开之际,海南国际传播中心推出特别策划《两会外传·老外有话说》(Expats on Hainan's Two Sessions),围绕“外资、外贸、外国人”这 ...
The sessions get underway by hosting unique collaborations, as artists from different genres and generations perform together including Luka Bloom with trad group Moxie, and harpist Laoise Kelly ...
Fiachna Ó Braonáin explores the music of guests Steve and Joe Wall from The Stunning with Sive, Eleanor McEvoy, Damon Butcher, Robert Harvey, Cathy Jordan, and Dervish.