Ivanishvili’s business connections outside of Georgia have also sparked controversy. In August, the Organized Crime and ...
For many, the incident was reminiscent of the murder of a famous Kazakhstani figure skater, Olympic medalist Denis Ten, who ...
Despite the rock-bottom levels of trust in politicians, more Armenians (46 percent) believe the country is headed in the ...
Political parties that are challenging Georgian Dream in the October 26 elections say the scare-mongering tactics are meant ...
Polling has only muddled the situation. Opinion polls commissioned by sources sympathetic to the government put support for ...
The hosting agreement signed by Azerbaijan and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) covering the upcoming ...
И администрация Байдена, и Казахстан стремятся к расширению взаимной торговли и увеличению инвестиций. Однако действующая со ...
Дефицит воды представляет растущую угрозу национальной безопасности Казахстана. Согласно докладу Программы развития ООН, к ...
Water scarcity is posing a growing threat to Kazakhstan’s national security. By 2040, the country could experience severe ...
The Biden Administration and Kazakhstan are both eager to boost mutual trade and investment. But an antiquated vestige of the ...
Just weeks before the Azerbaijani capital Baku hosts an annual UN climate conference, days of heavy rain have resulted in ...
Uzbekistan is the Central Asian state that has made the most progress over the past quarter century in reducing hunger. In ...