• Compared to antibiotics (medicines used to treat a wide range of infections or diseases caused by bacteria), NSAIDs (medicines that reduce inflammation, pain and fever) probably result in less short ...
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Intravenous iron likely slightly increases Hb levels and likely reduces anaemia in pregnancy compared to oral iron. Hb levels postpartum may be slightly increased with intravenous iron, but the effect ...
Intravenous iron probably reduces fatigue slightly in the early postpartum weeks (8 to 28 days) compared to oral iron tablets, but probably results in little to no ...
However, in some premature babies (babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy), the ductus arteriosus stays open (which is called patent). This means extra blood may flow into the lungs and cause ...
If you found this evidence helpful, please consider donating to Cochrane. We are a charity that produces accessible evidence to help people make health and care decisions.
To analyse the benefits and harms of pharmacological or other interventions (e.g. special diet, exercise programme) compared with placebo or standard care for RYR1-related disorders, including both ...
The question of whether gender differences exist in the health literacy of migrants cannot be fully answered in this qualitative evidence synthesis. Gender-specific findings were presented in only ...
This review provides the broadest and most recent review of the current evidence base for interventions to reduce SSI in adults undergoing cardiac surgery. Twenty-one interventions were identified ...
翻譯者:張雃庭 (基隆長庚醫院藥劑科,藥師)【本翻譯計畫由臺北醫學大學考科藍臺灣研究中心(Cochrane Taiwan)及東亞考科藍聯盟(EACA)統籌執行。聯絡E-mail:[email protected]】 ...
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在管理患有中樞神經疾病人群的便秘和大便失禁方面,不同非藥物治療的益處與害處是什麼? 如果您發現此證據有幫助,請考慮向 Cochrane 捐款。我們是一家慈善機構,提供可獲取的證據來幫助人們做出健康和照護之決定。