Despite the plutonium oxalate method's wide use in plutonium reprocessing, the method's mechanistic details remain unclear, particularly the identity of the plutonium oxidation state during conversion ...
Yesterday’s polluting fuel could be transformed into a valuable material for tomorrow’s electric vehicle batteries, thanks to a wide-ranging research project that utilizes expertise spanning the ...
Leadership-class supercomputers dedicated to open science are not built to last forever. In fact, they have a limited lifespan by design. No matter how powerful they may be on launch day, advancements ...
A team of scientists with two Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Centers — the Center for Bioenergy Innovation, or CBI, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and ...
Jeremy Smith obtained his PhD in Biophysics from the University of London. After graduation, he worked as a post-doctoral associate and lecturer at Harvard University in the group of Martin Karplus.
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently demonstrated an autonomous robotic field monitoring, sampling and data-gathering system that could accelerate ...
It’s a safe bet that lightning is going to strike twice around Vipin Kumar. In fact, he makes sure it does – every time he tests new technology to protect sky-high wind turbine blades. As a researcher ...
The National Center for Computational Sciences, located at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, made a strong showing at computing conferences this fall. Staff from across the ...
Three staff members from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are gaining an additional perspective on nuclear security thanks to a new educational opportunity. ORNL’s National ...
Advanced energy is a crosscutting field that includes businesses, researchers and entrepreneurs working to make energy safer, more secure and more efficient. In November, state leaders from across the ...