Los Geoparques Mundiales de la UNESCO List of geoparks & networks Submit a geopark proposal Revalidation, extension and renaming New applications Logo Information for site evaluators Governance ...
En el corazón de la Reserva de Biosfera del Manu, uno de los lugares más biodiversos del planeta, un grupo de mujeres, jóvenes y talentosas, está marcando la diferencia en el campo de la ciencia y la ...
In the heart of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, a group of young and talented women are making a difference in the field of science and conservation.
Objetivo. Todos los Estados Miembros de la GEP establecen normas profesionales de enseñanza que incluyen el cambio climático para 2030. El tercer ámbito de la Alianza para una Educación Verde tiene ...
Norma Mamani is a biologist born in Sicuani (Cusco - Peru) whose love for nature and plants led her to devote herself to botany. “I feel very happy. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I feel ...
You are invited to submit an offer for organizing a workshop on “Quality World Heritage Nomination” in accordance with the present solicitation document. Your offer comprising of technical proposal ...
Our goal is to translate countries' commitment into concrete activities and changes. One possible path is the creation of a regional technical group, drawing inspiration from the work led by UNESCO ...
UNESCO’s e-Platform on intercultural dialogue is designed for organizations and individuals to learn from shared knowledge or experiences from infl Established in 2002, the GEM Report is an ...
I condemn the killing of Markenzy Nathoux and Jimmy Jean. Journalists play a vital role in informing the public and must be protected. I call upon the authorities to ensure these crimes are ...
وهذا العام، يتو ىلّى تقرير رصد تمويل التعليم لعام 2023 تحديثََ تحليل اتجاهات، ا إ لإنفاق على التعليم وأنماطه خلال السنوات الع ر شرة الماضية، وصو الًا إ لى عام 2021أي السنة المالية الثانية بعد ...
Established in 2002, the GEM Report is an editorially independent report, hosted and published by UNESCO. To recovery and beyond: The report takes stock of the global progress on the adoption and ...