He created illustrations and covers for magazines, sets for a ballet, designed dresses and commercial art. Here are a few ...
The phrase “less is more” is appropriate when it comes to winter houseplant care. During this season, when there’s not as ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about where to find a perennial salvia and how to help cuttings root.
Let's talk about the orb weaver spider, an arachnid renowned for its beautiful, circular webs. Found in gardens, forests and backyards around the world, orb weavers are some of the most common spiders ...
Q: This past spring, we tried starting some of our own plants from seed indoors, but they got tall, spindly and weak by the time we wanted to plant them outdoors. What did we do wrong?
You don't need a green thumb to take care of that plant or flower you received as a gift this holiday season. Here are some ...
Mr. Jarman Jr., won a juvenile Academy Award for his performance in “The Yearling,” as a lonely towheaded boy who adopts an orphaned fawn.
The caracara, which can grow to 2 feet tall, co-exists amiably with cows on Florida’s ranches and eats everything from frogs ...
Scientists in Peru recently attempted to get a look into the habits of the Andean bear by attaching a camera to one of them.
Q • The leaves of my rosemary topiary plant are getting a white fuzz on them, and the new growth looks very thin and spindly.