新西敏市警方表示,由于法院受到「威胁」,呼吁在道格拉斯学院(Douglas College)和法院附近的市民「立即撤离」。 警方于周二接近中午时份在社交媒体上发布消息称,警员正在法院内外行动,并已封锁该区一带的道路和设立警戒线,请市民避免接近该区。
People watch a New Year parade in east China's Shanghai, Jan. 1, 2025. People across China enjoy themselves in various ...
The Nanjing Road pedestrian street will extend its operating hours past midnight today, allowing expats and locals alike to ...
A gunman who killed at least 10 people in a rampage in a small town in Montenegro died from self-inflicted injuries on ...
老济南素有“家家泉水 户户垂杨”的美誉,而曲水亭街正是这一特色最为鲜明的体现。街道因亭而名,亭则因水而成,水以其蜿蜒曲折而闻名。在曲水亭街,既能寻觅往昔的风景,体验古代文人雅士的曲水流觞之趣,也能感受现代商业的繁荣,品味市井生活的烟火气息。古老与现代 ...
US experts weighed in on China's annual Central Economic Work Conference, highlighting the implications of a robust Chinese economy for its global influence. They emphasized the importance of US-China ...
在中国,每到冬日,街角的小贩都会推着糖葫芦车,车上挂满了串串晶莹剔透的糖葫芦,温暖而诱人。到了冬天,谁能忍住不来一串糖葫芦呢?In China, every winter, street vendors push carts filled with ...
Walking along the Grand Canal, which literally translates to “luck up” in Chinese, has become a spontaneous tradition for ...
Michela Tindera Chloe wanders around outside the entrance. It’s loud and electronic music is thumping. And there, she meets a 26-year-old guy named Didi Steiner. He’s from Austria, and he catches her ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...