Allways Lucky Pot of gold O drug strikes hard: multiple treatment breakthroughs bring new prospects for the immune era Haisike's "Perindopril ...
处于染色体两端发挥保护功效的端粒,其长度已被证实与生存时间长短呈正相关联。2009 年,美国三位科学家因揭示端粒长度与细胞衰老、凋亡的关系而荣膺诺贝尔生理学与医学奖。
近日,发表在 《美国国家科学院院刊(PNAS)》 上的一项新研究中,美国生物科技公司BioViva的首席执行官Elizabeth Parrish和哈佛医学院著名遗传学教授 George ...
The EPA is adding styrene, vinyl chloride and other plastics-related chemicals to ongoing human health reviews, but some said ...
近日,山东大学齐鲁医院神经外科李刚/李学恩/薛皓教授团队与江苏省人民医院尤永平/张军霞教授团队共同完成了国内首例术中快速分子病理诊断联合细胞级显微镜指导的脑胶质瘤精准手术,并首次在术中将肿瘤切除的细胞边界可视化和分子化,为脑胶质瘤分子边界的判定提供了 ...
Regulators will consider whether high-priority chemicals, including a building block of PVC, present an unreasonable risk of ...
A piece of microplastic foam debris found along the coast of Alaska sits on a person's finger in 2013. EPA announced it will ...
The flavonoid silymarin and one of its structural components, silibinin, are substances with documented hepatoprotective properties. Their mechanisms of action are still poorly understood. However ...
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the nucleic acid polymer that forms the genetic code for a cell or virus. Most DNA molecules consist of two polymers (double-stranded) of four nucleotides that each ...
【中文名称】羟基聚乙二醇乙烯基砜 HO-PEG-VS(羟基-聚乙二醇-乙烯基砜)是一种由聚乙二醇(PEG)组成的功能化聚合物,其中PEG链的两端各连接一个 ...