Tibet's earthquake of magnitude 6.8 that killed 126 and damaged four water reservoirs this week highlights the risks from a ...
An aarti was held to honor the victims of the Tibet earthquake on the first day of Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj.
The quake struck rural, high-altitude Tingri county, about 80 km north of Mount Everest near China’s border with Nepal, at ...
The current trickle of Tibetan arrivals is in stark contrast to the 1990s and early 2000s when thousands would arrive ...
Misrepresented videos continued to flood social media following the deadly January 7 earthquake that rocked China's remote ...
本报北京1月12日电 (记者李建广)北京市人民政府新闻办公室、天津市人民政府新闻办公室、河北省人民政府新闻办公室近日联合组织召开京津冀产业协同暨先进制造业集群发展新闻发布会。数据显示,2024年前三季度,京津冀三地工业增加值超1.8万亿元,同比增长6.3%,较全国增速高0.3个百分点。2024年上半年,北京流向津冀技术合同2452项,成交额345.4亿元,同比增长75.7%,创新成果不断涌现。
今年是“十四五”规划收官之年。习近平总书记在二〇二五年新年贺词中指出:“要实施更加积极有为的政策,聚精会神抓好高质量发展,推动高水平科技自立自强,保持经济社会发展良好势头。” 新年伊始,行走在京华大地,奋跃而上、活力勃发的发展新气象扑面而来。 元旦当天,北京60个重点商圈客流量达805.9万人次,同比增长7.8%,消费市场火热开年; 1月2日,北京市丰台区启动154个重大项目,总投资2254亿元, ...
Tibetan singing bowl meditation is a centuries-old tradition that utilizes the harmonic vibrations of singing bowls to induce ...
Over 1200 monks from around the world have gathered in Odisha to attend the first Guru Padmasambhava Chanting Program which ...
Turbulence is a common phenomenon in air travel, with certain flight routes experiencing it more frequently due to factors ...
A series of earthquakes struck southern Tibet on January 7, near the Nepal border. What exactly is an earthquake? Which countries are the most earthquake-prone? Why is the Himalayan region seismically ...