护理学专业是科克大学医学与健康学部护理与助产学院的王牌专业,在最新的QS世界大学学科排名中, 科克大学的护理学位列全球第32名,护理与助产专业毕业生整体就业率高达94.9%。
"The postal and express delivery industry has become a driving force in China's logistics sector, and for 11 straight years, ...
A Chinese actor, known as Xingxing, has gone missing on the Thai-Myanmar border, shortly after arriving in Thailand for a ...
Michela Tindera Chloe wanders around outside the entrance. It’s loud and electronic music is thumping. And there, she meets a 26-year-old guy named Didi Steiner. He’s from Austria, and he catches her ...
澳大利亚护照是世界上最贵的护照之一。尽管澳洲护照很贵,但就它的“含金量”来说,仍落后于其他20个国家。 Australia has the most expensive passport in the world. But it isn't ...