Telegram has introduced a built-in feature to use proxies that will allow you to access your account even if your country has banned Telegram. Once you have set up proxy for Telegram, you’ll no longer ...
If you have any ideas, open an issue and tell me what you think. Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make ...
Some forms of malware redirect users to particular websites without their approval. When dealing with this type of malware, it is necessary first to disable the proxy settings in your browser. To do ...
That’s where proxy servers come in. A proxy server acts as an intermediary for queries from internet users looking for resources from other servers like webpages or connection and file resources. The ...
Accessing The Pirate Bay in restricted regions is possible using proxy sites, which act as intermediaries between your device and the main site, bypassing ISP blocks. This article provides a list ...