While lower-quality Shōnen anime naturally feature weaker characters, heroes like Killua Zoldyck and Edward Elric prove that Shōnen characters can be as complex as any others. S ...
keeping the character’s feel from the anime while also allowing Dyrroth to punch his enemies in the form of Gon. From the collab, Harith will get a Killua skin that will bring a new feel to Harith, ...
Banpresto will release a pen of Gon-san from Hunter x Hunter, which can also double as a pen. This figure will appear as a prize in Banpresto crane gane machines in June 2025. Recommended Videos ...
As the Hunter elections reach the moment of decision, Killua closes in on the hospital where Gon lies in a coma. Can he and his terrifyingly powerful sister Alluka reach Gon in time? If they do, Gon ...
The Heavens Arena arc of Hunter x Hunter saw Gon and Killua push their limits and learn about the levels of power in their world. That arc explored the nature of Nen, and how Hunters can utilize ...
Hunter x Hunter characters like Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and more have hidden depths that make them compelling and relatable. Characters like Gon, Killua, and More have unique abilities, complex ...
Hunter x Hunter characters like Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and more have hidden depths that make them compelling and relatable. Characters like Gon, Killua, and More have unique abilities, complex ...