Some research suggests there is a connection between migraines and multiple sclerosis (MS), as the conditions often co-occur. Further, the symptoms of MS may also be similar to or confused with a ...
Case presentation: A 30-year-old woman presented with progressive dizziness and headache. Magnetic resonance imaging scans showed right cerebellar neoplastic lesions approximately 3.6 cm*3.0 cm with ...
The annular or circinate form of sarcoidosis of the skin described above is a striking clinical expression of the disease. The lesions occur particularly on the forehead, face, and nape of the neck.
Description of Skin Lesions: This 49-year-old female had a 9-month history of smooth, slightly erythematous papules arranged in annular plaques on the dorsal aspects of both hands (see Figure 1).
Abnormal Pap smear results are sometimes diagnosed as squamous intraepithelial lesions. This is a very specific diagnosis of an abnormal Pap smear considered precancerous. When you receive this ...
Code for the paper "Coherent Concept-based Explanations in Medical Image and Its Application to Skin Lesion Diagnosis", CVPRW 2023.