Xizang's traditional archery isn't just a sport, but a living thread of culture and art. Once carried along the Tea Horse Road, this ancient practice continues to inspire and connect across ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from ...
他表示,12月3号晚上,他结束工作之后聚餐喝了点酒,跟同事走在路上撞到了一辆停在路边的车。“当时不知怎么了我情绪很崩溃,加上喝了些酒,有点上头。我用自己身体撞击汽车,当时动静闹挺大,扰民了,事后我也接受了行政处罚。” ...
中国大陆及国际社群媒体周四(26)疯传,全球首架6代战机试飞画面,由疑似新型歼-20S(J-20S)伴飞,全机採用三发动机、无尾翼构型。随后国际社群媒体发现,今天试飞的6代机机种,竟然不只有一个机种,有民眾在成都拍摄的双发动机版本的无尾翼构型、后掠翼 ...
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Visiting the museum that exhibits 350 cultural relics from the Wuyue Kingdom was an awe-inspiring experience. These relics ...
It was heartening to see so many people eager to volunteer. Locals and foreigners alike united for the same purpose: to bring ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Russia recognizes there is no easy resolution to the Ukrainian crisis and holds no illusions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday. "We have had no ...
然而他遭遇一场银行抢劫案,女友被绑架成人质,凯恩决定要利用自己的无痛特点来拯救女友。纵使凯恩的好友提醒“你不是不死之身,你又不是金刚狼”,他还是毅然决然赴汤蹈火 ...
炒股好无聊,而且大多数时候是亏的。假设你看准一支好股,for example,特斯拉,过去五年涨了18倍。你2016年投了1w,现在就18w,不少但离此生无忧十万八千里。but要拿这18w前提是你16 ...
“幸福是一种习惯,” Happy Things创始人、首席执行官塔利娅·苏恩说。为帮助人们在日常活动中养成好习惯,提升幸福感,她创办了Happy Things平台。 苏恩坦言,对她而言,幸福感并非轻易可得。而她哥哥的幸福基线(baseline of happiness)比她还要高。当注意到这种差异时,她决定根据幸福背后的科学原理开发一款应用程序,改善自己的生活。