Written and Directed by Judd Bloch. Starring Inbar Lavi, Ray Panthaki, Jake McLaughlin, Shaun Sipos, Michael James Bell, and Tristan Cunningham. SYNOPSIS: Follows a young woman whose idyllic life with ...
The next time a CGI movie makes you sigh with its lack of style and verve, you'll feel especially awed by The General, a silent black and white movie masterpiece that pretty much epitomes the ...
Jamie Foxx’s Netflix special detailing his harrowing near-death experience and the Tupac Shakur biopic All Eyez On Me. Keep reading for the full list of the best Black movies on Netflix right now.
Bystanders captured viral videos of bears trying to shop at an antique store, looking for snacks at a restaurant and so much more. Here's a look at the most memorable Tennessee black bear moments ...