Peter Corkeron headed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's large whale research program for the northeastern US from 2011 to 2019, then led the New England Aquarium's right whale ...
On this day in 1959 … Clemson star QB Harvey White became the first player to ever sign with the AFL’s Boston Patriots, who eventually became the New England Patriots. He’s also the first ...
Whales hold many records in the animal kingdom. The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived; the sperm whale has the largest brain; and the Cuvier’s beaked whale holds the record for the ...
The whale shark is brought shallower to the surface and one orca is biting near the pelvic area. Credit: Kelsey Williamson Researchers have observed orcas in the Gulf of California using collaborative ...
Spade-toothed whales, a type of beaked whale, were first discovered in 1874 after a jaw bone was found in New Zealand’s Chatham Islands. Since then, just a handful of specimens have been found ...
was the whale had vestigial teeth in its gums which gave scientists new information about the whale's evolutionary history. Beaked whale expert Anton van Helden, who took part in the dissection, said ...
The first dissection of a spade-toothed whale, a type of beaked whale, was completed last week after a painstaking examination at a research center near the New Zealand city of Dunedin ...
Officials said on Friday the first dissection of a spade-toothed whale, a type of beaked whale, was completed last week after a painstaking examination at a research center near the New Zealand ...