"In the days after the Civil War, being a Black Republican meant something vastly different than today," an excerpt from “The Grift” reads. The book opens by highlighting how both parties ...
Larson’s latest book is a chilling countdown of the steps and missteps in the five months between Lincoln’s election in 1860 and the start of the Civil War, when the Confederates shelled Fort ...
During the Civil War, the young United States dealt with an unprecedented and overwhelming number of dead. The Ric Burns film is based on the book "This Republic of Suffering" by Harvard President ...
“In a way the Islamists lost the civil war militarily, but they won politically,” he said. “What I hope is that my book will make people think about the price of freedom, especially for wome ...
‘No Middle Path: the Civil War in Kerry’ offers an engrossing account of some of the darkest days in Irish history Historian and Author Owen O'Shea with his latest book 'No Middle ...